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Wesfarmers Limited of Level 14, 123 Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, collects your
personal health information collected through the InjuryCARE 1300 service in order to assist with
determination of your treatment requirements and work capacity.

If you do not disclose the personal information that we are seeking to collect then you will be unable
to access the InjuryCARE 1300 service. Instead, you may choose to seek medical advice/treatment
from your normal treating doctor.

We may also collect personal information about you (such as your current contact details, details of
your injury/condition, any first aid/activity advice provided, recommended treatment and work
capacity) from MAX Health, your employer and any practitioners you are referred to via
this service should you choose to participate in the InjuryCARE 1300 program.

We may disclose your personal information collected through the InjuryCARE process to your
employer and any practitioners you are referred to via this service.

Our Privacy Policy (available at contains information
about how you may:

  • access personal information we hold about you and seek the correction of such information;
  • complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, and how we will deal with such
    a complaint.

To gain access to the privacy policy and personal information collection statement relating to your employer, please follow the below link

(New Zealand)