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Medical Assessments and Services

Having employees who can safely perform the inherent requirements of their role is vital to any organisation and MAX Health’s wide range of medical assessments and services help identify, assess and manage risks impacting the health of your current and future workforce

Pre-Employment Medical Assessments

Our comprehensive and tailored risk-based Pre-Employment Medical Assessments provide your recruiters with the confidence to make informed hiring decisions based on a person’s capacity to perform the inherent requirements of the role.

AccuRATE is MAX Health’s Online Pre-Employment Medical Assessment. This is the fastest, most comprehensive and cost-effective alternative to traditional clinic based pre-employment medical assessments.

Health Surveillance and Health Monitoring

If your employees are exposed to certain hazards within your workplace, you may need  to carry out health surveillance, or monitoring, to detect early signs of work-related ill health or illness.  MAX Health understand the health surveillance requirements in all states and can facilitate high quality health surveillance assessments for your organisation, ensuring you meet health and safety obligations and, most importantly, protect the health of your workforce.

Our services  cover a range of workplace hazards including:

Physical hazards – Physical hazards for which a health surveillance program may be necessary include asbestos, respirable crystalline silica and occupational noise/vibration 

Chemical hazards – Common chemical and elemental hazards for which health monitoring is required include lead, chromium, benzene, organophosphates and isocyanates. 

Biological hazards – Employees in certain roles, including emergency services, healthcare and working with animals, may be exposed to biological hazards such as blood and body fluids, viruses and microorganisms.

Our service in this area is tailored to suit your organisation’s working environment and the needs of the employee. Health surveillance programs and exposure responses will be customised depending on the nature of the exposure and the employee’s health needs.

Functional and Musculoskeletal Assessments

MAX Health’s Functional and Musculoskeletal Assessments are conducted by doctors or physiotherapists and involve a series of tests to ensure that your prospective and current employees have the functional capacity and fitness to undertake the physical demands of the role. 

An assessment often consists of an examination in the following areas:

Specialised Medical Assessments

MAX Health performs a range of industry specific, specialist and review medical assessments including:

Occupational Vaccinations & Immunisations

MAX Health provides vaccination programs to ensure that employees have immunity and to help protect your employees against vaccine preventable diseases that they may acquire through work. 

Some of the vaccinations include:

Our programs can also monitor and provide recalls for boosters (as required) so that your employees immunity is maintained.

What Sets Us Apart

Occupational Health Services

We Only Use Doctors

MAX Health only uses doctors to conduct its medical examinations. This is because doctors are highly trained, experienced and qualified in performing patient examinations. They also possess a strong knowledge of musculo-skeletal examinations and conditions and have a detailed (and tested) knowledge of how to examine all body areas and underlying pathology.

MAX Health staff member looking at computer screen

Independent Clinical Review

MAX Health provides results only after findings have been fully verified with our in-house clinical team who review all assessments prior to assigning a risk rating. This impartial and consistent oversight provides the highest level of quality control and reduces the need for additional review by the employer.

Our Network

Our extensive national coverage across more than 2,500 locations means that we have a clinic across all metropolitan and regional locations in Australia.

We also deliver services in New Zealand and the UK.

MAX Health Locations

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What People Say

Our performance is reflected in the strength of our client base, our practitioner network and our people all working in partnership to deliver the best outcomes for our customers across Australia.

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