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Drug and Alcohol Testing Services

Drug and alcohol abuse can significantly impact workplace safety and the health and wellbeing of your workforce. Having a drug and alcohol testing program is important in situations where a worker could potentially seriously harm or injure themselves, another worker or a member of the public if they work while under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. 

We can provide different types of drug and alcohol testing services, depending on your needs:

  • As part of a pre-employment medical assessment, 
  • Random testing programs, 
  • Post-incident testing, and 
  • For cause testing.

Drug and alcohol testing can be conducted in-clinic or on site depending on the circumstances and your organisation’s preference.

What we do

Drug and alcohol testing as part of a pre-employment medical assessment 

Pre-employment drug and alcohol screening is usually carried out in the same clinic where the candidate has their pre-employment medical assessment. It generally involves the candidate being breathalysed and providing a urine specimen for analysis. The sample is screened instantly and a preliminary negative or non-negative result obtained. A non-negative outcome from the initial screen would result in the specimen being sent to a NATA-accredited laboratory for confirmatory testing. 

Random drug and alcohol testing 

Random drug and alcohol testing is usually carried out onsite and involves testing a randomly selected group of employees within an identified period. This style of testing is aimed primarily at deterring employees from abusing alcohol or illicit drugs, as the employees will not know in advance when the testing will be carried out or whether they will be selected for testing. 

For cause/ post-incident drug and alcohol testing 

Drug and alcohol testing can be provided by qualified collectors onsite following an incident or request. MAX Health can also offer testing post-incident at an accredited local pathology collection centre – this format of testing requires a manager to accompany the employee to the test but may be more cost-effective than onsite testing. 

Medical Review Officer services 

MAX Health has in-house medical advisors who are members of the Australasian Medical Review Officers Association (AMROA) and can provide Medical Review Officer services as part of a drug and alcohol testing program. Our MROs have specialist knowledge and experience in interpreting the results of drug testing, understanding what constitutes a valid test, the medical use of prescription drugs and the pharmacology and toxicology of illicit drugs. They can assist in the management of non-negative tests and the development of drug and alcohol management and rehabilitation plans if a positive result is obtained.

Talk to our team

Call us on 1300 574 040 or send us a message

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